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The Do's and Don'ts to Popping The "Big Question"

Valentine's Day and Christmas have passed, two of the biggest proposal dates of the year. How to make your proposal with the one you love as special as you've dreamt it would be. There are some crucial do's and don'ts to take into consideration when creating that fantasy your loved one has waited all their life for.

Call me Old Fashioned

Not everyone values the tradition of asking the bride's father for permission to marry her, but it is something every man should think about. Not only do you marry your bride but you marry your bride's family as well. Do think about arranging a time with her father to ask for his blessing before you ask the question. Remember, it's the little things that mean the most.

Ring Shopping

It is important when shopping for the perfect ring that you pick something of value and something that fits her personality. Does she prefer something dainty and simple or is she a diva who loves something that will make her stand out? Either way remember, it's not always about the brand or the's about quality over quantity. Put thought into this piece, perhaps design something custom to mirror her individuality.

Another helpful tip- it is always a plus to know her ring size!

Let's Go Back To The Beginning

Take a trip down memory lane with your soon-to-be fiancé and surprise her with a proposal filled with noteworthy memories from your past together. Take her to the park you always went to or the first place you said "i love you." Bring your creativity out of the box by ditching that typical Italian restaurant. She will appreciate something you planned from the heart. Remembering special moments will make her realize just how much she means to you.

When Words Come To Life

When proposing to that special someone it is important to either think ahead of time or if you are more spontaneous, say how you truly feel. Don't make it seem as if you are reciting a script. Your future bride is interested in your true feelings, not something you found on Google.

Your Secret's Safe With Me

Deciding you want to propose is one of those life shattering moments that you can't wait for the world to know. Remember, only tell those you trust won't let your secret out. Contemplate about only revealing the news to both your parents and maybe even your sibling or closest friend. You won't regret it when she's swept off of her feet on the big day.

Capture the moment

Lastly, don't forget to document the day. Up until your wedding day, the day you propose will probably be one of the best days of your life. Employ a professional photographer for a few hours or ask a friend to capture the big moment on camera. Maybe even take a video. This will be a day you both will want to look back on forever. If all else fails, take photos on your smartphone, this way you can share your happiness with the world through the ever so popular Instagram. Hint- do remember to create a #weddinghashtag

Marry Me?

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